In his stage performances, Alfred Banze brings all his diverse artistic medias together, video projections, music, texts and drawings.

In seinen Bühnenperformances bringt Alfred Banze seine verschiedenen künstlerischen Medien zusammen: Videoprojektionen, Musik, Texte und Zeichnungen.

Atomic Gauguin - A participatory media performance ...
Kopi Kaputa at Schloss Biesdorf, September 2021 ...
Preview of "360°" at Projektraum IO Lux in Weissensee, Berlin 2020 ...
Kopi Kaputa live at Ortstermin Festival 2020 Berlin ...
Kopi Kaputa at 48 Stunden Neukölln 2020. Recorded at Heimathafen Berlin. Music, texts & visuals by Alfred Banze, Stephan Groß, ...
Kopi Kaputa live at Goethe-Institut Yangon, 10 December 2019 ...
Music mediation for pedestrians, 8 July 2018 in Berlin, part of "Capturing Spaces" by project space "Stay Hungry". Together with ...
Installation & performance with AV-Group Kopi Kaputa. Projektraum mp43 in Berlin Hellersdorf, 22. - 29. October 2017 ...
Performance with AV Group KOPI KAPUTA at Raumlektüre / Zwingli Kirche Berlin, July 2016 ...
Performance with AV Group KOPI KAPUTA at project room Group Global 3000 in Berlin, October 2016 ...
A Performance at Ortstermin Art Festival in Berlin Moabit, June 2015 ...
In the Heights - A performance at Kunstverein Tiergarten Berlin, Thursday, 22 May 2008, together with Yang Zemin, musican from ...
A performance, made in Varanasi in India in 2007: Help the Ganga. Bringing bottles of fresh water to the river ...
Backroads - Media performances on streets in Germany, Swiss, Croatia, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Italy, 1996 ...
Eurospiriti - Slideshow, Super 8 & 16 mm film, video performance, 70 min. Köln 1993. Presented at Media Festival Osnabrück, ...